26 gedachtes over “Let’s meet on my website !

    1. Hi John,

      Nice to read that you wanted to subscribe. You can do this via this page (it’s also under the menu BLOG):


      You can translate this page via the Google Translate box on the top right.
      More questions… just let me know.

      Geliked door 1 persoon

  1. Gefeliciteerd met je nieuwe site Rudi, hij ziet er prachtig uit. Ik ga er beslist veel rondneuzen, mede ook vanwege het technische gedeelte. Wat is de achterliggende techniek van de site, als ik vragen mag? Een websitebuilder?.

    Geliked door 1 persoon

  2. WordPress has been giving me fits in most attempts to add comments, so I’ll try replying to the email announcing your new post…

    We found these here on the Oregon Coast as well. At least I think they’re the same as what is commonly called British Soldier Lichen. Oddly enough all the sites I found seemed to indicate that they were only found East of the Rocky Mountains, but here’s some photos of those we found: https://gunta.photos/2018/03/25/road-trip-central-oregon-coast-botanical-interlude-2/ Or do you suppose these are entirely different. PS Rudi… I very much like the new blog site!

    Geliked door 1 persoon

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